Goodbye Graffiti™ has begun Phase Two testing on a new addition to our custom manufactured SuperGreen™ graffiti removal product line that allow us to remove virtually any mark on any surface. On June 17, 2014, our Certified Graffiti Removal Technicians from our Vancouver operation conducted a controlled Phase One test under the direction of our President, Perri Domm.

The variables in the test project included having all our comparable products used on the same surface with the same type of mark (ie – several layers of paint with black ink marker on poured concrete), a 24 hour poultice dwell time, and using the same technician when completing the removal process so there were few differences in the removal methods. Phase One of our extensive hands on testing was a success. Phase Two will include field testing focused on shadowing and natural stone surfaces. Goodbye Graffiti™ is fully committed to continuous improvement of our environmental practices, the most important of which is having fast, effective and environmentally friendly removal products. We will ensure we continue to utilize the most comprehensive graffiti removal product line available anywhere in the world. For further information on this or other exciting news from Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. please