Staff Profile: Marco Hantke Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver

Name: Marco Hantke

Goodbye Graffiti™ Location: Vancouver

Start Date: April 01/ 2014

Role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Lead Graffiti Removal Technician

What did you do before Goodbye Graffiti™: Previously 2001- 2007 I worked in the Security Industry, starting from field work to managing a company with close to 50 employees per night. 2008-2011 I began my career in the Surrey Branch of Goodbye Graffiti as an Ever Clean Patroller. 2012-2014 I was a contractor in the construction field.

What are your strengths as a Goodbye Graffiti™ team member: I feel that I take on a leadership role here at GGV. My fellow coworkers always confide in my experience and knowledge in the field. I enjoy working in a team environment within my community to make it a safer and cleaner place. Learning our diverse product line and procedures has helped me become more proficient in the techniques and best practices to be successful here. I also love the fact that I am working with a Company that leads the industry in social sustainability and green environmental practices.

The best part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™:  I love how the public reacts to seeing us in the streets when we do our job. I have random people always say things like, “thank you, you’re doing a great job.” I also know and can physically see that we are making a difference in our community.

The Most challenging part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Our work must be perfect, there is no room for mistakes when it comes to our client’s assets and their substrates. When we remove or restore a surface it must be done by the book, thoroughly and evenly and to our clients’ satisfaction 100% of the time. There are elements that make this challenging at times such as the weather, physical barriers and even the location of a job.

What is the most interesting piece of graffiti you have ever seen: I recall patrolling Stanley Park in Vancouver and noticing a spray bomb which was incredible. It appeared to be a collaboration of two well-known graffiti artists. It was a 1940’s era full-size body of a man with a head resembling a large cartoon monster. It was colourful, creative and absolutely amazing!

Staff Profile: John Bell

Name: John Bell

Goodbye Graffiti™ Location: Toronto West                                 

Start Date: 15/Jan 2015

Role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Previously Technician, now Sentinel

What did you do before Goodbye Graffiti™: Shipping Dock Worker

What are your strengths as a Goodbye Graffiti™ team member: Team Player, Professional, Problem Solver, Friendly, Knowledgeable

Favourite part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Preserving Murals, Removing Hate Speech

The Most challenging part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Working in Chinatown/Spadina (Never any parking!)

What is the most interesting piece of graffiti you have ever seen: None…If it looks good then it’s a mural that has been done professionally. The rest can be removed


Happy International Women’s Day from Goodbye Graffiti™

All around the world today the achievements, power, and potential of women are being celebrated.  Goodbye Graffiti™ is proud to join in the celebrations of International Women’s Day.  In a male-dominated industry, Goodbye Graffiti™ executive team is 75% women.  These women manage day-to-day operations, finances, marketing, and franchising.  The achievements of this executive team have surpassed any previous team after 20 years in business.  We are passionate in our support of the women on our team and all women in business.  #SheInspiresMe #HeforShe 

Update on Mural Instillation of Mural in Goodbye Graffiti™ Presidents Whistler Home

In November of 2017 Goodbye Graffiti™ put out an open call for Artists to provide their own interpretation of a stylized trail map of Whistler and Blackcomb mountains.  We are beyond thrilled to have renowned local artist Jessa Gilbert creating a custom masterpiece.  We are in good company as Jessa has previously collaborated with Salomon Freeski, Baldface Lodge, Mica Heli, Lambrecht Surfboards, Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC), Fox Racing, Trek Bicycles, Terry Bicycles, the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF), Arts Whistler, and many more. 

Check out the video to see the progress so far! video by:  Andrew Santos Media

For more information on Jessa Gilbert: 

insta: @jessagilbert 

FB @jessagilbertstudios

Staff Profile: Xiomara Hurtado

Name: Xiomara Hurtado

Goodbye Graffiti™ Location: Vancouver

Start Date: May 2016

Role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Administrator

What did you do before Goodbye Graffiti™:I worked for the Royal Bank.

What are your strengths as a Goodbye Graffiti™ team member:  I can multitask and complete various tasks and I work well under pressure.  I am also tech-savvy.

Favourite part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: My favorite part of my role is being able to work with such an amazing team.

The Most challenging part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Scheduling jobs with Vancouver’s Unpredictable weather.

What is the most interesting piece of graffiti you have ever seen: Smokey D’s art in the downtown east side highlighting the opioid crisis we are experiencing.

Goodbye Graffiti™ at Buildex Vancouver 2018

February 14th and 15th the Goodbye Graffiti™ team represented our 5 B.C. markets at Buildex.  In today’s fast paced digital world we always enjoy taking some time to connect face to face with our clients new and old.  Thanks to everyone who came by and said hi!

Staff Profile: Justin Rodrigues Goodbye Graffiti™ Toronto West   

Name: Justin Rodrigues

Goodbye Graffiti™ Location: Toronto West                                 

Start Date: 13/ April 2017

Role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Technician

What did you do before Goodbye Graffiti™: Lawn Care Technician

What are your strengths as a Goodbye Graffiti™ team member: Great team member, I always get the job done, I’m always smiling

Favourite part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™:  It is a fun and safe place to work

The Most challenging part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: I don’t think there is anything that is too challenging

What is the most interesting piece of graffiti you have ever seen: Honest Eds. They put up a hoarding around the whole building and the entire thing was tagged. I cleaned it up.







Staff Profile: Jason Cuddy, Goodbye Graffiti™ Ottawa

Name: Jason Cuddy

Goodbye Graffiti™ Location: Ottawa

Start Date: June 2009

Role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Sentinel Coordinator

What did you do before Goodbye Graffiti™: Studied Business at the University of Ottawa

What are your strengths as a Goodbye Graffiti™ team member: Organized, punctual, honest, hardworking, great knowledge of the city, loyal been with the team for almost 10 years!

Favourite part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Working with the team here in Ottawa. I have a great relationship with every single person.

The Most challenging part of your role with Goodbye Graffiti™: Dealing with Ottawa winters.

What is the most interesting piece of graffiti you have ever seen:  A 20ft long piece that says “Graffiti Sucks”.


Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver Employees have saved 4 lives!

Since Goodbye Graffiti™  Vancouver employees completed their Naloxone training on December 8th, 2017 their skills have been put to use on 4 separate occasions.  The opioid crisis is literally and figuratively all around us.  The valuable training provided by Karmik has armed our employees with the power to save lives. In a matter of mere weeks, we have seen the absolute power and necessity of Naloxone.  A few hours of our Friday afternoon have been literally life-changing for members of our staff and the community.

We encourage all local businesses to take to train their employees in Naloxone use.  The kits are now available free of charge to anyone at risk of an opioid overdose or anyone likely to witness and respond to an overdose.  For more information on Naloxone in BC please visit

Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver Technicians Receive Training in Life-Saving Naloxone

On Friday, December 8th the team at Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver and Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. attended a training session for life-saving Naloxone.  Naloxone is a medication used to “bring people back” from opioid overdoses such as heroin, methadone, fentanyl and morphine it is available in BC without a prescription and often given as an injection into a muscle. 

Vancouver’s Downtown East Side has become the epicenter of an unprecedented opioid crisis in BC.  Fatalities due to overdose have risen at an alarming rate for the past 5 years.  To combat this alarming issue Naloxone kits are now available free of cost to anyone who is at risk of an opioid overdose or anyone likely to witness and respond to an overdose.  Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver’s routes are in Vancouver’s DTES, for the last 20 years we have had people in the DTES almost every day and know all too well the struggles of the community.  As an organization, we want to be aware, educated and responsible.  We want to help protect members of our community who are struggling, and because of this made the decision that it was very important that our team be educated on the epidemic affecting our community and trained in the use Naloxone to potentially save a life.  We are thankful to Munroe and Dania of Karmik a West Coast based harm reduction organization who not only trained us on the use of the Naloxone kits but educated us on the public health crisis we currently are experiencing.  All Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver Technicians will now carry Naloxone and have been trained in its use.  For more information on Naloxone please visit