Aurora Stingers – Game 8 Another Win!

Game 8

July 10th 2016 vs. North Toronto

Guest Reporter: Seema

In our game vs North Toronto we played really well as a team. In the first quarter, we were in possession for most of it and that helped us get a goal. We worked together to build up the play closer and closer to the opponents net. Defensively, we worked so hard to close the space down and regain possession. They got their goal just by luck after we slowed down. In the second quarter, we got another goal and so did they which made the score 2-2. We had so many amazing crosses which helped us get plenty of shots on net. In the last quarter, we were giving it our all because we were so anxious to win. If they got possession, we would get it back in a second. We tried so hard which helped us finish the game 4-2 for the Stingers. Good game girls!

Aurora Stingers – Game #2

May 16 vs Ottawa South United

Reporter:  Emily B


Thanks so much Goodbye Graffiti!!


This was our second game of the season, and everyone was excited to play because we were traveling to Ottawa. Our team played very well – we tied 1-1 and we all picked each other up when we had our off moments. Christina had an amazing goal in the game and we were all so excited!!  But I must say my favourite part of the game was when Noemie made an AMAZING save. Everyone thought the ball was going in but Noemie dived and just knocked the ball away!! She had a great game!! In conclusion I thought Ottawa was very fun especially our team-building event – an Amazing Race in downtown Ottawa!! I hope our team keeps on improving and having fun at our games!!




As in all sports, sponsorship is an extremely important part of a team and its success. “The Girls of 2003” are in their first year of Ontario Player Development League (OPDL) soccer.  This league was created by the Ontario Soccer Association (OSA) in 2014 and is the province’s first standards-based youth league that combines top level competition with strict high-performance training standards.  OPDL teams have a base level of training intensity akin to professional soccer environments – our players not only compete against the best, but train like the best.  In 2016, there are 20 teams across Ontario that have earned an OPDL license.  The OPDL is part of the Canada Soccer Pathway, a high performance stream of excellence, designed to streamline the identification process for players with a goal of representing Canada one day.

Our schedule this season includes 20 games from May 7 to October 29 – traveling all over Ontario in the East Division.  Our away games include field locations like the University of Guelph, University of Toronto and Carleton University in Ottawa.  We can’t wait to get started!

The girls on this team have aspirations to play at Provincial, National, varsity and even professional levels.  The OPDL gives them the first step in achieving these goals but it is a huge time and financial commitment.  Our coaches are paid staff with National/Provincial coaching licenses and we train 3x per week from January to the end of October.   The incredible support we have from Goodbye Graffiti helps keep this level of soccer training affordable for all the players involved. 

Thank you Goodbye Graffiti!!


Exciting Announcement Regarding Goodbye Graffiti™ Product Line

Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. is proud to announce the signing of an exclusive World Wide License Agreement with Velocity Chemicals Ltd. for the manufacture, sale and distribution of our complete line of graffiti removal products. Velocity has been on the Core Supplier Program as our sole provider of Goodbye Graffiti™ our complete line of professional grade graffiti removal products line called Graffiti Town Products™.

After 18 years and over 9 million removals we are, for the first time, making our highly effective and environmental superior products available to other contractors and management companies. We have invested millions of dollars in research and development to ensure we have the best product line to combat graffiti in the world.

Goodbye Graffiti™ is the world’s largest graffiti removal company and the world’s only turnkey graffiti removal franchise opportunity. Our incredible success across North America has been built on 18 years of experience and over 9 million graffiti removals. This is all we do. This extensive hands on experience has also allowed us to formulate the most comprehensive graffiti removal product line which can remove nearly 100 marker types from over 50 substrate types quickly and cost effectively every time.

Goodbye Graffiti™ has been working closely with Velocity Chemicals for the last 5 years and the decision to expand this partnership was a natural one. Velocity Chemicals is one of Canada’s fastest growing chemical producers and distributors and has been manufacturing and distributing specialty cleaning products to a wide variety of industrial and institutional customers for close to a decade. Goodbye Graffiti™ is confident that Velocity Chemicals’ proven expertise, high quality standards and top notch customer service will prove highly effective in expanding our brand.

For more information on the sales of Goodbye Graffiti™ graffiti removal products or franchising opportunities please contact Velocity chemicals toll free at 1-888-963-9499 or locally at 604-881-4700 or email or Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. toll free at 1-877-684-4747 or email

Goodbye Graffiti™ Seattle Awarded Sound Transit Graffiti Removal Contract

Congratulations Laurie Spivack and Goodbye Graffiti™ Seattle on being awarded the graffiti removal contract for Sound Transit. The Sound Transit contract is a guaranteed one year term with four optional one year extensions. Goodbye Graffiti™ Seattle will perform weekly patrols as well as call out services. Sound Transit is a regional transit system serving the Greater Seattle Area since 1999 offering bus, commuter rail and light rail service. Thank-you to Sound Transit for their commitment to keeping the Greater Seattle Area clean and green.

For more information on Goodbye Graffiti™ our work with Sound Transit please contact 1-877-684-4747 or

Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal Awarded Graffiti Removal Contract with Parks Canada/ Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal vient de signer un contrat avec les Parcs Canada pour l’effaçage des tags et des graffitis à Montréal, Québec

Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal has been awarded the contract for Graffiti Removal Services for the Lachine Canal in Montreal Quebec. Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal will be responsible for maintaining the Lachine Canal for a minimum of 2 years with a possible extension.

The Lachine Canal has been designated as a National Historic Site of Canada and runs for approximately 15kms from the Old Port of Montreal to Lake Saint-Louis. Once a heavily industrial area the canal has been revitalized with an influx of both residential and commercial development. In 2002 the canal was reopened to pleasure boating and is now considered a place of leisure for residents and visitors alike.

For more information on Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal or our work at the Lachine Canal please contact 1-877-684-4747 or


Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal vient de signer un contrat avec les Parcs Canada pour l’effaçage des tags et des graffitis à Montréal, Québec. Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal sera responsable de l’entretien du Canal Lachine pour une durée minimum de 2 ans, avec possibilité de prolongation du contrat.

Le Canal Lachine a été classé par le Canada comme Site Historique National et s’étend sur environ 15kms, depuis le Vieux Port de Montréal jusqu’au Lac Saint Louis. Historiquement, le canal était une zone industrielle majeure. Il sert à présent de site de développement à la fois résidentiel et commercial. En 2002, le canal a rouvert aux navires de plaisance, et c’est désormais un endroit où les résidents et visiteurs aiment passer du bon temps.

Pour plus d’informations à propos de Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal ou de nos interventions sur le Canal Lachine, veuillez nous contacter au 1-877-684-4747 ou à

New Ownership Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal/Nouveau propriétaire Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal

Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. is proud to announce new ownership at Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal.  Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal has been acquired by a new Quebec Corporation.  Montreal is Canada’s second largest city.  It is filled with historical architecture and is home to 100’s of Goodbye Graffiti™ national and local Accounts.  With a new, expanded fleet and a high tech dispatch and warehouse facility, the new company is poised to expand and build on over 10 years experience in the Montreal area.  Goodbye Graffiti ™ Montreal will join a team of successful locations including; Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver, Goodbye Graffiti™ Calgary, Goodbye Graffiti™ Toronto and 12 other Canadian offices.   The New Ownership at Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal will bring proven experience, expertise and positive new energy to a growing market with unlimited potential.  The new office and warehouse space will act as a home base for the new fleet, more personnel and coverage into the entire Quebec Market.  Goodbye Graffiti™ is proud to offer industry leading zero impact environmental processes.  And remember, racial and hate graffiti removal is always FREE.

Download our new apps at

Follow us on Twitter @GoodbyeGraffiti

For more information on Goodbye Graffiti™ Montreal  or on a career or franchise please contact 1-877-684-4747 or email


Goodbye Graffiti™ Inc. est fier d’annoncer un changement de propriétaire au sein des bureaux Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal. Une nouvelle société Québécoise a fait l’acquisition de Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal. Montréal est la plus grande ville du Canada, abonde d’architecture historique et recueille des centaines de clients de Goodbye Graffiti™, à la fois nationaux et locaux. Grâce à une nouvelle flotte qui s’est élargie et à des systèmes de répartition et de stockage à la pointe de la technologie, la nouvelle compagnie est en route vers une expansion certaine, profitant de plus de 10 ans d’expérience dans la région de Montréal. Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal se joindra à un panel de filiales déjà performantes telles que Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver, Goodbye Graffiti™ Calgary, Goodbye Graffiti™ Toronto, et 12 autres succursales Canadiennes. Le nouveau propriétaire de Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal apportera une expérience certaine, de l’expertise ainsi qu’une énergie positive inédite permettant à la compagnie de profiter d’un marché prometteur qui offre des opportunités sans limite. Le bureau et l’entrepôt recevront la nouvelle flotte, davantage de personnel et permettront une couverture totale du marché Québécois. Goodbye Graffiti™ est fier d’offrir des technologies environnementales en tête de l’industrie qui n’ont aucun impact sur l’environnement. Et souvenez-vous, l’effaçage des graffitis à caractère racial ou haineux est toujours GRATUIT !

Téléchargez notre nouvelle appli sur

Suivez-nous sur Twitter @GoodbyeGraffiti


Pour plus d’informations à propos de Goodbye Graffiti™ Montréal, des opportunités de carrière et de nos franchises, veuillez nous contacter au 1-877-684-4747 ou par email à

Employee Spotlight Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver: Nick

Nick has been with Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver for five years.

Nick started with us in 2011 learning the ropes  as a technician on scooter patrol, patrolling our various Ever-Clean routes through out the city.   Since day 1, Nick has always shown great enthusiasm for his work and this has allowed him to move up through the ranks quickly. He is now a senior technician working in a truck and has serviced many of our largest clients, his work his clean and careful and speaks for itself. Nick is dedicated to the team and has become a great asset here at  Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver.

Thank you, Nick for all of your years of devoted work and dedication to the organization.


Goodbye Graffiti™ Halifax signs 3 year contract with the City of Halifax

Congratulations to the team at Goodbye Graffiti™ Halifax for securing a 3 year contract with the City of Halifax. Goodbye Graffiti™ Halifax is excited to build upon the excellent working relationship they have established with the City. Under the new contract GGH will keep Halifax graffiti-free by being responsible all buildings (new construction and heritage), parks, playgrounds and street equipment which includes everything from signs to parking meters to sidewalks.  Goodbye Graffiti™ is the world leader in graffiti removal and abatement and will provide the City of Halifax with world class service, cleaning the city one asset at a time.

Thank-you City of Halifax we will not disappoint!

Employee Spotlight Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver: Lisa

Lisa has been with Goodbye Graffiti Vancouver for over five years now.

She started with us in 2011 as a technician, learning the routes and gaining experience in the world of cleaning Graffiti. She quite quickly showed an innate knack for solving problems and becoming a pro with the products and their dynamic uses.

Lisa excelled rapidly and was promoted into her current Sentinel Role, where she is now flourishing and helping the Goodbye Graffiti™ Vancouver team not only meet but exceed their sales goals . Most recently Lisa has taken on the role  of Corporate Trainer.   As the Corporate Trainer she travels across North America and certifies new technicians.

Way to go Lisa! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Goodbye Graffiti!